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  • Yeah, I'm not fond of spiders either (except Turantulas/sp?, those are awesome!).

    Get rest and you should be over it in a few days (hopefully). You're still relatively young, right? I wouldn't worry, then. Someone around my age (25) would be right to panic, if they never caught the Chickenpox before because its virulence is exponentially increased from how ot would be for a child (like I said).
    Not all cases are the same, but the virus is supposed to be extremely aggressive towards the immune systems of people in their twenties and older who never caught it as children. If you're still in your early teens, it may not be as bad, but I'm not sure...

    My parents intentionally infected me and my sister as kids so we'd have built up immunity as adults, and usually once you've had it, you won't get it again (or if you do, it's severely weakened compared to the first time you had it). There's not much else I can tell you but I hope you get well soon.
    Thanks! :D I've got several more in this style too that I plan to use soon.

    Anyways, yeah, I had the chickenpox when I was like five, six, or seven (can't remember exactly when). They say it's worse if you get it when you're older, especially after your teenage years.

    Haha, the number of friends you have means nothing :p

    /me has 180 friends

    /me has never been invited to a "party"

    MrGatr, Well, I don't have to choose between the two tying players. :p

    I use an RNG in the essense of fairness. But if there are inactive players, I just kill them without the RNG.

    No, this isn't considered talking outside the game.
    MrGatr, Heh....

    *Diamond swims out of the deep lake and gasps for air!

    *Diamond is trapped in the middle of the huge lake!

    *Diamond sees a Dragonite coming towards her!

    "Hello, I'll save you!" *it said!

    *Dragonite saved Diamond!
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