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  • The pokemon's gender, species, and DW move are all still generated by the online RNG (as it would be normally) and the pokemon you pick up on your game is still generated purely by the normal game mechanics (unaided) so yes, they are completely legal. All that program does is bypass the 10 step limit on the Island of Dreams (thus getting EVERY item and befriending every pokemon you could have encountered that run) as well as sparing you from playing the monotonous mini-games hundreds of times over.
    Brave Bird is an egg move, so I'll make sure it has that.

    Mainly I need the BP for Choice items, Focus Sashes and Life Orbs (with the occasional White Herb).
    Haha, sounds fun. Just wait until I get my Xbox patched up, then you guys will see how a true Halo player plays. ;]
    Considering how much is going on right now and the massive order in my breeding/training shop on the other forum I use, it might be a little while until I can get around to RNGing one. Since getting shinies is nowhere near as hard with RNG abuse and the inevitable wait (not to mention that I don't really need anything Pokemon-wise besides masses of BP, which can't be traded), I'll just give it to you. The massive order I received came in just before I talked to you on the chat here, so I'll give that one priority. one of the spreads I will be training is close to one of the shiny breeding seeds I reuse a lot, so I might do it when I reach that point in the large order. I want to ask though: are there any egg moves you want it to have? Roost is a tutor now, so that removes the only impossible egg move combo I'm aware of.

    I haven't DL'd Java yet. Maybe now you'll see me on again, since I couldn't get on chat with the old tower I was using. If Java doesn't take up a freakish amount of space this time, I'd love to sometime!

    Oh, and sorry for the twenty minute late replay.
    MrGatr, Yeah I misplayed horribly and got critted as well, it was just gonna be a boring sweep after that.
    I told ya man, my 360's in the shop. Won't be able to play until around February.
    MrGatr, I'm playing with Hydro Cannon :p and maybe, you just need Ninetales to really make Shiftry work
    MrGatr, I'm not really playing a lot anymore... I don't have a lot of free time. Most of the work I'll be doing as an smod now will be behind the scenes (organizing and running activities, keeping mods active and on task, etc.)
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