FlamingDriscoll09, Went 2-2.
R1: "BW deck" hurrdurr won, almost got donked though
R2: Reshiboar, he had bad start, won
R3: Donked by Tornadus (ZPST) (Ridiculous, really. I Judged his 6 card hand and he got DCE, Seeker, Pachi, Shaymin, and Lightning, topdeck included.)
R4: Terrible hand, lost to Reshiphlosion
I have way too inconsistent deck. I was hoping some slowish decks like The Truth and Goth would be in there, but none. At least I know what the good players are playing (2nd in FL was rocking with S1 Rush, another good senior was the one playing ZPST, and my friend, who is a great player, was also playing S1 Rush. The newer competitive players love their Reshiram). All I know is that the only good deck for this metagame is Donphan/Dragons.