FlamingDriscoll09, Hmm...Weeeeell if you were one town up you'd be reeling the gold in, but if you really need new armor for the boss, kill Hunter Mechs and Riptides in the Bad Cave. They also give good exp.
FlamingDriscoll09, They had a class at my old school that they gave you a mechanical baby to take care of...and it would randomly cry during the night and you had to go and turn it off. It had a sensor in it that if you didn't turn it off then it would keep track of how long it was crying that they would grade you based on how well you took care of the baby...I always thought that I would slam the thing on the ground...I mean it's a fake baby so that is ok...not real babies...that is just mean. But ya...mechanical babies as a class in school O_O
SO i herd u liek sleeping...I got you this baby ...perfect gift eh? He cries allllll the time and keeps me up at night so I thought I would give him to you...so ya...last person to touch it keeps it.