Omega Soul
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  • Omega Soul, ACK! I had to stay at school late and completely forgot.

    I can do same time tomorrow >_<
    Alright, we gotta play, I apologize for all of my scheduling mishaps. Does tomorrow at around 4 EST work?
    Omega Soul, You posted that at 4 in the morning :p

    When's good for you today? I've got a lot of work to do but I can take a break to play whenever you're ready.
    When's a good time to play? I'm probably free in a few hours if that works.
    Yeah, it's a small project we're helping with on the site. I hope all of you guys can see it soon. :D
    Thanks, Soul! And lol, not really, I was in Staff since May. :p It was just until then when the programmer recovered the banners. It's all in my bio. ;o
    Omega Soul, I can agree with you about Meloetta being the best choice. That said, and after taking a quick look on Wikipedia, since the Red Deer is the largest mammal in Ireland, perhaps Autumn Deerling or Sawsbuck would be an option or, since the Mountain Hare is also called Irish Hare, perhaps Bunnelby.

    About the rule, I wan't to make all countries as equally as possible. Since in the world some countries are big players and others aren't that much important, at least here and when it comes to status as regular Pokémon, they all will be. This voting is something that can be updated with each generation so perhaps a regular Pokémon more fitting of Ireland may appear! :)
    rev3rsor' pid='2666413' dateline='1411903760 said:
    I wish for a microphone.

    Omega Soul' pid='2666436' dateline='1411910399 said:
    Granted, but it is so loud it speeds up the rotation of the earth and kills off life.
    Lol. XD
    Hi there.

    Thanks for participating in the thread "A Pokémon For Each Real World Country".
    About your choice for Ireland, could you change it? As stated in the first post, legendaries aren't allowed in order to not give the idea of a country being better than others.

    Thanks in advance! :)
    Hey man! I'm in the "Debates and Discussion" room on Pokemon Showdown right now (at the very bottom) under name ATA11
    Challenge me to sky battle when ready!
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