Recent content by paulitics532

  1. paulitics532

    Cynthia’s Milotic from “Heat Wave Arena”

    Honestly? This might have a home in Froslass spread decks. There's pretty negative synergy between this and Cynthia's Garchomp ex (wants you to max out on fighting energy) and Cynthia's Roserade (only buffs damage dealt to the active), so it doesn't really fit in a Cynthia's deck unless there's...
  2. paulitics532

    GameStop Now Selling Pokemon TCG Products Above MSRP Upon Release

    About a decade ago, i remember the local toys r us selling pokemon above msrp even though there was a walmart right next to it which also carried cards. I guess it's just a thing that dying businesses do to wring out a little more money on the way out.
  3. paulitics532

    “Pokemon Champions” Game Announced for Switch and Mobile, Features Core Pokemon Battles!

    Considering the lengths smogon goes to make singles playable, there's no way that whatever singles format this game has won't be substantially worse.
  4. paulitics532

    Arven’s Mabosstiff ex, Greedent, and More Arvent’s Pokemon Revealed!

    It's unplayable. Tbh I'm a little disappointed that they're giving an art rare to greedent over any of Arven's actually likable pokemon.
  5. paulitics532

    25+ “Journey Together” Cards Revealed, Some Cards to Be Cut from English Set

    The article implies theyre all in here i think
  6. paulitics532

    All Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex and Steven’s Metagross ex Deck Cards Revealed!

    The same way they fumbled every stellar tera. But tbh, I think pokemon is just really bad at making good decks out of only one wave of support. Most of these decks just need a little push to be actually good rn.
  7. paulitics532

    All Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex and Steven’s Metagross ex Deck Cards Revealed!

    I kinda like baltoy and claydol, skarmory has a good attack but 50 might not be enough since since you wanna be able to ohko 60/70hp basics before they evolve. Both of these decks still seem a little underwhelming unfortunately.
  8. paulitics532

    First English Cards Revealed from “Journey Together,” Another “151” Master Set Variant!

    I think the pretty cards being relatively easy to pull is nice. It's a little jarring that there are just so many of em. Xy base set was like 146(?) cards and that was considered huge.
  9. paulitics532

    “Destined Rivals” English Pokemon Set Releasing in May!

    I think the fact that we're done with ace specs should make pull rates for everything else a bit better to compensate
  10. paulitics532

    “Lillie Premium Tournament Collection” Revealed for April!

    3 copies of lillie's pearl is crazy when most decks aren't even playing one. They definitely anticipated a lot of people to play it since it hits both pult and bolt super effectively. I'm sure this product will still get bought out considering the current landscape but it still feels like a...
  11. paulitics532

    “Dragapult ex League Battle Deck” Revealed for April!

    Oh, is this why they held back the fez reprint?
  12. paulitics532

    All “Space-Time Smackdown” Cards Officially Revealed from “Pocket!”

    Ok to be perfectly honest, it's starting to get genuinely frustrating that some of the best artwork in the entirety of ptcg is locked to a f2p mobile game.
  13. paulitics532

    Trading Now Available in “Pokemon TCG Pocket,” Full Details!

    How miserable. Everyone who bothered getting flairs or those special tickets has now been actively punished for it with less trade currency. The system itself is not only over complicated, but you can't see other people's wishlists so making trade requests with players you've met in-game is...
  14. paulitics532

    Special English Set Releasing in July, Could Be “Black Bolt” and “White Flare!”

    BW1 and BW2 are both looked back on as very good games. BW1 was the first pokemon game to have a story that is actually interesting (though its kinda overrated imo), and BW2 were just overall very good games with tons of content. BW1 also locked all old pokemon to the postgame, so it's the only...