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  • So I was creepin' on Bippa's profile and I noticed that you got Metroid Prime Trilogy. PLAY IT. The Prime Trilogy will blow your mind, it's like 2000 times better than Other M, which I do agree is already a good game. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 are just mind-blowing with the Wii controls, and while I think Prime 2 is inferior to the first 2, it's still a great game.
    You're back! This weird-o called Scrub came out of thin air, and tried to pretend he was you! (He had the same Avatar and everything! :O )

    Creepy, right?
    TDL, Ah, that's correct. I'm all for fun name changes, but it's just something that isn't professional when you're a moderator and are setting an example for newer members. Cept for bacon-boy, of course.
    TDL, I wasn't totally against scrub or anything, but you'd have to stick with that for the rest of the year. :[ Plus, you raised some valid points about being called a scrub, lol.
    TDL, Samus isn't a robot?!?! Da heck. :p

    I love games with good story line, so I love giant cutscenes. Voice acting would just be the icing on the cake. My birthday's coming up; I think I'll ask for Other M.

    Yeah, Canadian Wal-Marts are totally cheepskates. Best Buy isn't much better (I think it was $50 there).

    Well at least you know what you're doing. :p Both those guys are high tier characters, so it shouldn't take too long to get the hang of them again.

    Can't wait to play you sometime. I've actually recently gotten back into it because some of my friends want to play the disk to death before I move. Which is kinda nice. :p
    TDL, Nice list of games. I can never find Metroid Prime Trilogy at any of my nearby stores, and I want to get it (I do have Prime 3 though). Is Other M any good? I'm thinking about getting it, but its still going for like $60.

    I tutored safariblade at Brawl, so I can get you going as well. Just need to know who you want to use, and I'll get something going.

    Man, I wish I hadn't let the Brawl discussion thread die. :[
    Lol yeah they pretty much had a camera angle that gave a butt-shot in every zero suit cutscene. Not that I'm really complaining....
    Yeah I didn't hate the story of Other M that much or Samus, I was just hoping for a slightly better less-Fusion-ish story, and I wanted the game to be longer, more challenging and to have more exploration or sequence breaking. :/

    The game is also considered sexist because Samus is very sexualized by Team Ninja. Just look at all those cutscenes of her in the Zero Suit.
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