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  • TDL, I can do about 15 in a row without needing to rest.
    one of my friends made a frame-by-frame of me doing them
    Now before you say anything, I searched for a pic of Optimus and Lucario/Blaziken, but I couldn't find anything. (Check my Avy/Usertitle)

    TDL, in order:


    2) I would have, but I was starting in a rather icy area, and thus I couldn't move very fast. Also I was surrounded by trees and couldn't pursue him.

    3) It's when you rest your chin on a table, and then make it do pushups.
    TDL, correct.

    It's basically a game in which everyone is scattered in a large area (we used a wooded area behind our cabin), and the object is to get to the safe area (in this case the cabin) before you get tagged by a zombie.

    The catch is that everyone is given an infirmity of some kind, with the exception of a small handful (usually no more than 3). The infirmities include stuff like missing arms, missing legs, blindness, paralysis...after all, this is the zombie apocalypse.

    In round 1 I had one arm missing and was guiding a blind person back to the safe area. In round 2 I did the exact same thing except I had no arms.

    Round 3 was the funniest because that's when they started getting really inventive. My ailment was that I was afraid of trees and couldn't come within 10 feet of one unless my hand was held. To complicate matters, they started me in an area surrounded by them - so I couldn't escape without help.

    At the start of round 3, someone comes by (an ally); I explain my situation, and he said he didn't believe me because I looked healthy and kept going. Since I like to immerse myself in my role, I was trying to act nervous and fidgety in the process. He basically left me to die since I couldn't escape.

    Then one of the zombies came up, and I started freaking out - quite literally; I screamed very loudly. I think that was the highlight of my whole weekend. (Chin pushups came a close second.)
    TDL, i played zombie apocalypse in the snow

    while wearing SHORTS
    (seriously, I wore shorts all weekend)
    TDL, You know I've been thinking, making RMT a monthly competition makes it feel rushed and many people don't sign up anyways. We still don't have a single sign up for January. So I was thinking doing it every three or four months. What do you think? We have plenty other activities going on so I dont think anybody would complain.
    TDL, im sorry i'm sick and i had exams (which arent over yet) so i fell asleep yesterday at like 7. i even missed the new chuck episode. you know i wouldnt miss the new chuck episode unless it was serious. :[
    TDL, Yeah. I'm kinda thinking about switching to Lum Berry, but the power drop would hurt.

    Yeah, its an amazing set and its underrated.
    TDL, I'm going to get to a stopping point (it's paused right now) and get back to you. :p
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