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  • I can edit story, battles, battle mechanics, etc. among other things since I can read and code the ASM language
    Did you run a search in a hex editor to see if you could find it and the offset? The starting Hi! should be c2 dd ab and you could run a search for that string and see how many results you get. Then you can narrow it down by the next line of his text. You may have to repoint it to another section of the rom.

    I hack the Final Fantasy games on ps, mostly Final Fantasy Tactics.
    TDL, that doesn't surprise me too much, actually. I mean, some of them are, but in motorcycle accidents, the guy with less protection always loses out. >_<

    But I'm sure you'll do well.
    Ohhhh I've never hacked RS, I've only played around with the older versions. The information isn't on Pokecommunity?

    And yes, PS = playstation ^_^
    TDL, well, if you can save money on gas and a vehicle, and you're a safe driver (and have a motorcycle license), then why not? Just so long as you can do what you need to do, I don't see that much of a problem.
    TDL, that's about what it is over here too; basic unleaded is about $4.40/gal currently.
    I remember driving to Arizona for States with my friend (we were carpooling), and we got really excited when we noticed the fuel price was $3.89 in Arizona.

    Then we realized how sad it was that we were getting excited over $3.89 :p

    Living in the UK is pretty crazy. I think the worst bit is that there are very few (if any) good doctors, mostly because health care is free. (If you think about that, it actually makes some sense.)
    TDL, Drug for worshipping DNA. oh dear :D

    Gloucestershire is only 3 syllables: "GLOS-ter-sheer". Have you ever heard of "Worcestershire sauce"? Well, WOOS-ter-sheer is an actual place, as are Worcester (WOOS-ter) and Gloucester (GLOS-ter). Yeah, to pronounce a lot of town names in England, you need to get used to the silent letters and syllables.

    And why the move? It was mostly because the cost of living in the UK was (and still is) rather high, even higher than the cost of living in CA. Back in 2004 or so (when last I visited England, on holiday), petrol equated to about $4.70 per gallon, when it was only $3 or so in CA. I can't imagine what it's like now.
    TDL, it's a place called the Cotswolds, a rather large area in Gloucestershire that's basically the epitome of what the countryside looks like.

    Have you ever seen the Shire in LotR: Fellowship of the Ring? A lot of that was filmed in the Cotswolds, so that's a general idea of what it looks like. It's a beautiful place.

    Or you may have heard of the Cotswolds already and all this is just repeat information :p
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