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  • TDL, ah, something for me to read more in detail later. Already started and so far I like it.

    The reason I didn't post in the topic is because, like you said, you are the generic competitive spokesman, and since I know how much I disagree with standard views, I didn't post there.
    I suppose I'm not quite as serious as other people might be, but I think the most important thing is for a person to enjoy one's self. For myself, I find that in the variety of options available. Sure there are a few core cards that every deck should have, but after that I liked the ability to branch out into whatever you want (within reason).

    And just because there's a metagame where autolosses exist doesn't mean it's a bad metagame, necessarily. Part of it has to do with frequency of decks and what you can do against the matchup when it arises (teching against, for example). For example, my Gigasbox had (has?) an autoloss to Machamp SF, and my response to that mainly Abomasnow. However, part of it was not having to worry about it showing up - although it was fairly possible, it wasn't seen often because, in the MD-on meta, it was slowed down tremendously. (In DP-on though, that wasn't the case. Gigas had to step back there, and he didn't step forward for me until a few months into MD-on...but then he swept.)
    I mean nowadays there aren't a lot of autoloss situations, but I think even you can agree that the game is centralized around big basics, although whether or not that's an overcentralization is up for debate. (I personally think it is, and that isn't just me rebelling against the system. I just don't like the direction the game is currently headed, or at least the game in the present.)

    I'm not saying your points aren't valid - far from it; I think they're excellent. I don't think I'm the only person who thinks differently to most (and even if I was I would still roll with it), but I don't like to be blind in my opposition to something.

    By the way, "more healthier" is a double superlative :p
    It's healthy if the game becomes more centralized, as without centralization it would be full of too many decks to tech or test against (this is the same for most competitive games without a well-defined factor). While uncentralization does provide variety, it's also unrealistically possible to tech against everything in an uncentralized metagame.
    I disagree.
    While I do understand the importance of testing and teching against things, the factor of unpredictability does (and should) exist. I like seeing formats with a lot more deck variety, instead of what it's like right now. Past formats, such as MD-CoL, were like this. There were a plethora of different decks, and you didn't really tech against them - you just built your list better and outplayed them.

    Of course, most of this is probably just my own personal opinion and I'm hopelessly jaded against our current metagame. (I liked HS-NV, though. That was pretty good.)
    I saw you were going to put up a new CBDoTW. Just to remind you....

    The Yoshi said:
    What ability, barring Wonder Guard, do you think is the best ability we have in the meta game?

    Oh and I followed your links
    TDL, I see Gliscor's profile on my wall; I thought he got a rank change or something.
    Then I see another link and think "oh dang he's doing something stupid", but noticed it was in alphabetical order.

    So really, all I got out of it was your friends list.
    And quite a few others. No matter. It was a little game that wasn't supposed to live up to anything.
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