WanderingWolf Dec 10, 2013 Posted after the game freeze, but was ninja'd by you with the game freeze. Is this going to result in a warning?
Posted after the game freeze, but was ninja'd by you with the game freeze. Is this going to result in a warning?
safariblade Dec 8, 2013 PMJ, Okay, thanks. I was a bit confused because like 4 people PMd me saying different things.
Reggie McGigas Dec 4, 2013 PMJ, ah, ok. I would still like a basic hh game though. If not that's cool
Reggie McGigas Dec 4, 2013 How about reviving the Hurt and Heal thread, gen 6 style? I asked Mega Safariblade but he hasn't responded
How about reviving the Hurt and Heal thread, gen 6 style? I asked Mega Safariblade but he hasn't responded
SylveonsAndEspurrs Dec 1, 2013 I decided to add your FC. So here you are, this would be my own; 2020-1086-8448
J Juliacoolo Nov 30, 2013 Hey I think I fixed your chat problem; try to come on when you get the chance and let me know if it works
Hey I think I fixed your chat problem; try to come on when you get the chance and let me know if it works
D D DNA Nov 28, 2013 PMJ, let me know when you find out. also if it's worth reading; my inner grammar Nazi twitched when I read it, and I had to suppress it.
PMJ, let me know when you find out. also if it's worth reading; my inner grammar Nazi twitched when I read it, and I had to suppress it.
D D DNA Nov 28, 2013 PMJ, it was from Tails Gets Trolled, which I never actually got around to finishing
One Approved Nov 27, 2013 I really want somebody to do this at my McDonald's https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=577662198971690&set=vb.237683353051209&type=2&theater
I really want somebody to do this at my McDonald's https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=577662198971690&set=vb.237683353051209&type=2&theater
Haunted Water Oct 30, 2013 if you are still wanting to run that ww game on psypoke, go ahead my game got too out of hand to control, so I deleted everything on it.
if you are still wanting to run that ww game on psypoke, go ahead my game got too out of hand to control, so I deleted everything on it.
Kecleon-X Oct 28, 2013 Thanks! I just had the idea when I was writing the thing up! I'm glad you liked it.