Professor Palutena

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  • Bippa, lol, watch things start running Psyshock to beat this little pony. Unlucky for the pony, most things with it are faster (Starmie and Lati@s).

    Psyshock is actually legit on Starmie. It could hit those Blissey or Gastro hard on the switch. Not enough to 2hko them (although with a lot of hazards maybe), but enough to make them scramble for recovery.
    Bippa, also gets walled by Celebi, Latios, and Latias but after a certain number of CMs Celebi screwed unless it's physical.

    physical celebi *smirk*

    Switch Surf to Hydro Pump. The power is too good to turn down, especially when all the stuff that resist it get so screwed over.
    Bippa, but then it can't boost its sp.atk dkjfiewjfewfjewfewfjewfjew :c

    Dragonite isn't really a check to it though as Rain boosted LO Hydro Pump ohkos 252 HP Dnite after SR around 90% of the time. Only specially defensive Dragonite can survive one Hydro Pump after SR.

    Only response I could think of.
    Oops, I mean Secret Sword. :p

    Hopefully nothing gets banned between now and its release (namely dragonite since it's a full stop to the pony).

    CM/Hydro Pump/Secret Sword/HP Ghost

    and just because its physical movepool is SO good

    SD/(Waterfall/Aqua Jet)/CC/Stone Edge

    it can also shutdown things with taunt but I dunno how good that might be
    Bippa, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss

    we should play some test games with it on PO

    also, they BETTER release it with Sacred Sword. >:c
    Bippa, I was thinking of putting power rangers or superman, but this works too ;)
    Bippa, lol, why do people find Lavender Town creepy? I only found it creepy a long time ago but now I don't. Maybe that's just me.
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