Professor Palutena

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  • Bippa, Yeah, University of Kentucky. DNA dislikes mistaking that for the UK as well, ahaha. And 16 hours? PFFFT
    Bippa, Don't worry, I'll still be able to waste time here even when I'm at UK. I've never been a fan of big cities, but ironically, University of Kentucky is located in one the biggest cities Kentucky has. :S safari and I live almost right next to each other, and James is just a day's drive away from me. So yeah, we're gonna come up to Canada and get ya. ;]

    Bippa, You might have said hi to me on the IRC chat or something, but that's not near good enough for my daily allowances of Bippa. <3 School's still school for me too, but now that I'm accepted into University, it's a little more laid-back. Where are you guys moving to? Kentucky's always got an available spot. ;0
    It feels like we haven't spoken a word to each other in forever. How are things?
    Bippa, for now I'm just going to build a few teams. I don't really have time to test them.

    I really just want to start using Murkrow again. :>
    Bippa, dude, thanks for telling me actually. I totally just remembered something. You'll know what I'm talking about.

    I'm going to miss running HJK on my Scraggy. Welcome back Ice Punch. :(
    You're a week late my friend; I already know about this. Too bad I deleted my old LC teams. :/
    Bippa, in your bio.... Like Safari is doable (I know what afro thinks :p) and that other stuff.... Quotes :p
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