Professor Palutena

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  • Peachy, Happy Christmas Peachy, hope your dreams of peaches being grown in the winter come true :]

    It'll be a while... My parents keep procrastinating the process.

    Nice avatar by the way. I wish I could change mine.
    Peachy, best present I got this year! Merry Christmas to you, too Bipp! You have my eternal CMP love already, though perhaps you'll get something more...but you're Canadian, so you'll have to wait until Boxing Day. Can you hold out another 24 hours? :p

    you know the one
    Spammy (Formerly SPM3):

    What could I possibly say about myself? I am a humble, mediocre member of PokéBeach. If I do anything, it is within the art or competitive battling forums. I love art much more so than competitive battling. I try to improve my skills as a battler whenever possible, however. My main problem with the VG aspect of Pokémon is team building. I just can't seem to construct a solid team. However, Peachy (Bippa) is always there for me when I need him (her), unless of course he (she) is busy, in which case I will take a long walk off a short cliff. Back to art, I like making graphics, and some day I hope to find a job where I can do that. Some say I am skilled, but really I am not that good. There are much better graphic designers out there than myself. I would really like to improve in that area as well. Don't be fooled by my gloomy tone, when I'm around you I will seem very jovial and light-hearted, even to the point of being obnoxious at times. And no, I am not really this much of a self-loathing downer. If you want to get to know the real me, say "Hello" sometime and we might strike up a conversation. Or not. Anyway, Peachy (Bippa) is a bro (sis). He (she) gets mass props for being honest, intelligent, skillful, and funny. Seriously though, you won't regret meeting this guy (gal).
    I'm about halfway done with judging. Takes about 20 min or so per card, and I'm taking breaks here and there...I'll be done by the end of the day. I'm thinking we should each take a look at the others' scores just to make the sure the scores given were in the right ballpark. =)
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