Peachy, Its title is "The Cold Hole", but I might change it. It's supposed to be about some people getting their first Pokemon starter, then something terrible happens. The terrible happening is unknown, but I can tell you later as I finish some parts of the draft.
If you feel like you don't want to be included, I understand. If you want to be in the 2nd chapter or later, just tell me.
Hey man, it seems like we haven't talked in forever! Anyways, I just wanted to say congrats on winning RMT of the month, a well-thought out and creative team like yours surely deserved it. Although you beat me by just one measly point. Great job, I hope to see you enter in future competitions.
Peachy, Oh gawd, don't use that name. I remember thinking it was cool but now... >.< At least now I don't have to use that silly DS anymore. I think Saturday is probably ASAP for me unless I can get my mom to take me to a Gamestop or something.