Professor Palutena

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  • Peachy,

    Ok. I'll enter the code into my MK7. Thank you!

    And aw D:. I kinda wanted Boo, Waluigi, and "Baby Yoshi", but I can only wish for so much.
    Peachy, Its title is "The Cold Hole", but I might change it. It's supposed to be about some people getting their first Pokemon starter, then something terrible happens. The terrible happening is unknown, but I can tell you later as I finish some parts of the draft.

    If you feel like you don't want to be included, I understand. If you want to be in the 2nd chapter or later, just tell me. :)
    Peachy, you can like make a community of people ON Mario Kart 7?
    Peachy, Nope, but hopefully tomorrow. If I don't get it I'm afraid we'll never talk again. =P
    Peachy, oh...

    *MrGatr looks around...*
    *MrGatr see's the sexiest pokemon alive named Ponyta by his side*
    Peachy, Yeah... I don't have it yet :( I need to get it...

    I got back into brawl... and kick butt with the most amazing person coughpeachcoughcough

    Yeah... So... *MrGatr sees what he thinks is bigfoot!*

    *It turns out to be his armpit*
    Peachy, Yeah... just a little for me...
    i noticed you'll always be just as cool as everyone who is nice, and so am I...
    gg to you Bippa.

    So, how's life in the Canadian wilderness?
    Hey man, it seems like we haven't talked in forever! Anyways, I just wanted to say congrats on winning RMT of the month, a well-thought out and creative team like yours surely deserved it. Although you beat me by just one measly point. :p Great job, I hope to see you enter in future competitions.
    Peachy, Oh gawd, don't use that name. I remember thinking it was cool but now... >.< At least now I don't have to use that silly DS anymore. I think Saturday is probably ASAP for me unless I can get my mom to take me to a Gamestop or something.

    I love it! I already cleared 100 CC and got the Mii character.

    LMK if you want to exchange FCs.
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