Professor Palutena

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  • Bippa201, When I used a toaster I was never allowed to get the food out of it. Maybe it was one of them visions. Maybe it's telling my future. Maybe I should stick a fork in a toaster.

    You have lemonade? U LUCKY
    Bippa201, I forgot I had a Gamestop giftcard when I bought my 3DS so I never used it but I have it now and it'll be perfect for buying Mario Kart 7. :3

    Good to know because I'm always ready to hand them out to people. Unless of course you're a girl. Girls aren't bros therefore no brohugs. You're not a girl...right Bippa...? * squinty eyes*

    I remember the time when I stuck my burning passion for Bippa in a toaster when he said he left. And then I stuck a fork in my heart. But forks in toasters? Nope.
    I'm here for you, Bippa! *Afro-G bro hugs*

    Heh heh... so how's it going? :3 Oh and you're not allowed to leave because you're my countdown timer for when Mario Kart 7 comes out. xP So please, remind me what the date is... :I
    Bippa201, Haha, that's something we have in common. :p I have Thanksgiving break all week next week, although I'm not sure when Christmas break starts. Ah well, I'll enjoy it whenever it comes.
    Bippa201, Good to see it under construction! Can't wait for the end product. And now Vegeta rules your profile, as Rosalina rules mine. ;]
    Bippa201, Thanks man. I updated my bio with a better Friend list entry for you; took me long enough.
    Bippa201, Yes, as all great stories are. And here, see if this avatar is to your liking. It's the only thing I can think to give to you right now. X3
    Bippa201, ^_^
    Anyways, thank you for sharing that with me, I know it must have been difficult. I'm sure TDL and safari will have a lot to say to you tomorrow, lol.
    Bippa201, ahaha, thanks for that. I assume that you've already explained this to safari, Afro, TDL, and the rest. And I agree about PB, that's probably the reason why I've stayed here for 4 years, lol.
    Bippa201, Our best wishes and prayers will be with you, whether you stay or leave. And you really don't owe us anything, we owe you for being such a great and charismatic friend; so I'd like to apologize on behalf of everyone for pestering you so much during these times.
    Bippa201, I was joking around with the Mr. Freakout thing, and I'm so sorry to hear that. I told you my friend recently was hospitalized, although (thankfully) he wasn't diagnosed with any type of terminal disease. Sometimes, God's ways are foreign to us, but we must keep faith and continue living our lives to the fullest. It's what we, as your friends, and the friend who was diagnosed himself would want for you. If you feel like leaving is the best decision, then by all means, go ahead. But just remember that we're here for you if you ever need us.
    Bippa201, Well hello there, Mr. freakout. I do hope that by the return of your avatar (and hopefully more, eventually) that you will be staying as well. Everyone seems pretty upset. And if you ever need to talk to someone, you know where I'll be.
    Bippa201, I gathered as much. But in any case it is still a possibility, which is a good thing.
    I'm sure all of your friends would be happy if you stayed, but if you have to leave for whatever reason - life, work, or what have you - then our wishes will go with you.
    *blows party whistle*
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