Professor Palutena

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  • Peachy said:
    Man, what a guy. I can't even begin to count the times that DaftPunk has helped me with my VG teams (which explains why he's a VG mod). Mr. Kentucky Accent is a pretty cool guy to talk to on Skype. A very caring member; I wouldn't be nearly the VG player I am now without him. Heck, I probably still wouldn't be here without him. He is a wonderful guy, so go talk to him if you want to be cool.

    D'awwwww <3
    Peachy, You really should man. TDL's doing it, and we'd all like to know what our friend looks like. ;3
    :3 I thought that was you Bippa :3. I don't plan on changing my name...but I like the change. I'm getting a 3DS just for MK7 xD
    Wow Bippa! I hardly recognised you! And how do you change your user name? I have looked far and wide and have not found anything.

    Can't say I love your new username, but I guess it just takes some getting used to. ;p
    I'm at a rest stop with Wi-fi access so I just had to leave you a profile comment from my 3DS. :3
    Peachy, Yeah it's true. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier but at least you know now. If I at some point have internet access during my trip I will totally whip out my 3DS and leave you a profile comment. :3 Oh and don't worry, you'll live. If you don't then that means you wouldn't get to see me return. D: You can leave me profile comments while I'm gone too, I want to see how many I can get if I get multiple people to do so. Maybe you can even remind them once in a while for me. >:3 So true, I'll try to get Mario Kart 7 day 1 but I'm not pre-ordering it so there could be a problem. =P

    Wow, that's a decent sized profile comment right there...
    I know I could find out much easier some other way but I don't feel like it. =P How many more days? >:3
    Peachy, Added it. IDK why it wasn't there, but then again, you DID delete me for a few days. Payback.
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