Professor Palutena

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  • Peachy, solid. I just got there days off. Three more weeks until the long one for me too!
    Peachy, I'd absolutely love to do an article. So, to start off, we should discuss what threats to put in the article, most likely on Skype or PO. Once we get that done, I'll do a rough draft, and you can make the edits where necessary, since I suck at proofreading. Then we'll get the banner requested and all that jazz. Sound good?
    Peachy, He's a uhhhhh...let me just quote the show

    "This creature is called a draconequus.[note 1] He has the head of a pony and a body of all sorts of other things."
    — Cheerilee

    ya....that thing so ya maybe it is a seahorse :p
    But you're still very handsome. - safariblade
    The "handsomest." - CMP
    I like this job - I like it! - TDL
    Lol.png- safariblade
    But I thought I was the handsomest. >:[
    That sounds kind of weird.- Daft Punk

    Just a small fix. ;p
    Peachy, lol, my own Dragonite is pretty much the only counter against that. Him and OFFENSIVE HEATRAN YEAH
    Peachy, Yeah, how did you think I felt when I was laddering, lol. Speaking of which, I'm pretty high back on smogon's ladder. Hoping to beat my previous peak, with the help of offensive Heatran. :3
    Peachy, I think the same thing. Cept for people who just ask if they can put you in their friend list randomly. :/
    Peachy, haha
    I like reading anyone's bio with my name in it, lol. My ego is just that bad.
    Peachy, You're talking to the master of obsessing over sigs and avatars. :>
    I'm diggin the "Stars shine on you" gif, though.
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