Professor Palutena

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  • Peachy, It pretty much slowed my computer to a grinding halt. But I think I have it fixed now.
    Peachy, Unclarity is my forté.
    I want you to be a mod, and then we'll have a near-perfect team. ;)
    Peachy, You've got to, this is the one time that submitting is the right thing to do. Post dat picture!
    Peachy, No, no, no. Every nazi is a bit different, we still need a picture. Nice try though. :p
    Peachy, Tall and blonde. Pretty much what Hitler was aiming for. I don't know why, though. :S
    Peachy, You could try the whole take the picture in the mirror trick. Looks pretty sexy. :D
    Peachy, My ex was a lot like that. She strove so hard in her school work that it pretty much left her without a social life. :/ The moral of the story is, don't do it. Just chillax man. :p
    Peachy, Eh, don't be judgmental of yourself. That's just bad for you, in the long run. Don't care what others think; just make yourself happy. (Ew that sounds weird). And I'm not ugly? Whatever you say, crazy person. :p Now you know me in all of my Kentucky glory.
    Peachy, I think you should go ahead and post one, we're not judgemental people. Look at me, I'm butt-ugly. :p And I really appreciate the comment in your bio, nobody's said I'm that cool before, lol.
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