Professor Palutena

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  • I was going to go on chat yesterday and talk over ideas with people, but my internet cutoff. I'll be on tomorrow if you want to brainstorm with me.
    If you're referring to FE, I'm having some emulators problems, for starters. Is FE 7 available as an emulator download in the first place?
    Haha, if you knew what Katawa Shoujo was, you'd see why the use of the term "scar" would be thoroughly hilarious. It's a graphic novel, basically. And it's awesome.
    They aren't huge font changes, but they annoy me nonetheless. And nah, haha, it's not my girlfriend, as much as she wishes it was. XD It's actually from Katawa Shoujo. And that's all I'll say on the matter. Investigate at your own risk.

    And sure, I can get on Skype, even though there aren't many people on either it or IRC.
    I can't really explain it, the forum font has been edited a couple of times, and now the font for your username (next to your avy) on your profile keeps changing. It can be very confusing.

    And no, haha, I actually just felt like using this avatar since I beat the game it comes from once again. This is the only "hot girl" I've used as an avatar because she holds a special place in my heart. <3
    The design does look better! That's about it though.

    The worst part of new models is when you've already bought a special version of the original handheld like I did. Why would I want this when I have the LE Zelda 3DS lol.

    "no charger cable since nintendo assumes you already have one"


    they're trying to steal money off of newbies to the ds family

    when I saw the stylus on the side I was happy, then I saw it's no longer metalic

    what in the hell are they trying to pull with this crap
    If you still want to build that team around Moxie Heracross, I suggest running Adamant on the scarf set. I'm pretty sure Jolly only outspeeds +1 Dragonite, Gyarados, and Haxorus and even then you can sometimes fail to revenge them due to lack of power.

    But yeah Adamant Scarf. Outspeeds Tornadus and gets the 2HKO after SR with CC or Megahorn. You hit 574 Attack after one Moxie boost which is enough to dent anything.
    and the viable rule kind of ruins them

    eh, I suppose they are niche mons and niche mons have use
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