Professor Palutena

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    I remember now. Lol and I said Latios looks like Link.

    Omg that was so solid on paper too.
    Bippa, I do remember this party, however I don't recall the PMs. I'm usually fuzzy on details so no wonder I forgot lol.
    "Ever since that time TDL told me that he was high,"

    I do not remember telling you this but there have been times!
    Yes! My Bio seems so inspiring, I get comments from people talking about it almost every week, haha. I'm glad you decided to make another bio, especially after deleting your previous few and then working hard on the ones afterward. It's a work in progress, but as long as you don't nuke this one, I think you'll be fine. And I had forgotten you were a Team C member until just now, that's awesome! Thanks for the touching words, I had no idea I was your first competitive tutor, either. It's enough to make a guy cry tears of joy... ;]
    Bippa, I wouldn't do subnp for counter that pokemon since it's absurdly easy to wall (mamo, gastro, chansey, ferro [although thunder might hurt], tyranitar, quag, Mag, hell even swampert)

    I have seen people run Focus Blast on SubNP but it seems like a worse option due to the shaky accuracy, low PP, and it makes Amoonguss more of a pain with Clear Smog and HP Ice.

    I'd say pick scarf but it depends on what moves you're running.
    There's none really. Most "counters" are dispatched by the right coverage move such as Grass Knot or Superpower.

    It depends on what set you mean though. SubNP sets are handled by Gastro, Quag, Mag, and Chansey (unsure of how much Thunder will do). Scarf sets are handled by Latias, Gastro and Quag if it lacks Grass Knot, and Chansey and Blissey if it lacks Superpower, and smart switching. Agility sets are weak and are usually handled by the same counters to all the sets.
    Somehow I knew that you would see that comment. It's actually a joke from the show I was referencing, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. I don't think I'm that Pro-American, haha.
    catch a tiger by the toe. if he hollers kill him with a stick. eeny meany miney moe. my ex-wife said to pick the very evil one so i dont pick bippa
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