Professor Palutena

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  • Sorry I didn't say anything earlier, but those were good games. Thanks for playing me.
    Bippa, sadly deviantart keeps crashing on my phone so I can't get you the link. Go on there and search "Tornadus". It should be a few pages back.

    Be warned though because Thundurus looks kind of bad IMO haha. He has a long neck.
    Sweet. I just played Dakota in an excellent game, which I should have saved. D: See you on later.
    caught me a little late :V
    But I can still get on and stay on, if you're able to get on later. And it's good to hear some battlers are on Showdown. My nick is Optimus, just in case you were wondering. And it's cool that you have to win a ranked battle to register, I thought was an interesting feature when I first found out about it.
    Yo, I finally registered on Pokemon Showdown. I look forward to some matches with you guys sometime. :] I saw Jaysee on earlier, but do you know anyone else that's on there?
    Bippa, scarf though. If Keldeo has taken any damage Psyshock will most likely OHKO. : (

    I would probably still run it on Specs.
    Why would you use that when you have Fire Blast and STAB Earthquake? :Y
    Nintendo needs to learn that if you make a new console, make actual changes other than size (see: GBA -> GBA SP, DS -> DSi, DSi -> 3DS). Stop with this XL crap.

    They've been getting away with this XL crap so far and it's ruining themselves sometimes. Just wait for the sales. ;D

    I will say though that DS to DS Lite was the only change I LOVED. Thank god DSi fixed the hinges problem. Tape doesn't even keep my DS Lite together anymore lol.
    Bippa, I honestly can't think of a reason why someone would buy this thing. The design even looks bad compaired to the normal 3DS.
    "3DS XL is going to be as big of a waste of money as the DSi XL was. Read as: a lot."

    hey man don't forget you can watch netflix on that big screen that's a reason to spe-

    oh who the hell am I kidding :>
    I do remember that you certainly were nice to the ladies you worked with, due to all the comments they left on your profile ohohohoho
    I can't stop giggling.
    Darn. Just tell me whenever you're on so I can enjoy Skype for once, haha
    City work? Sounds fun, if not stressful. Make sure to relax once in a while, moving and then immediately finding a job is pushing it, even for you, haha. So make sure to chill with us on Skype sometime. ;]
    I wouldn't go as far as ladies man. ;3 But I understand why working there would be a bad experience, with unfair wages and all of that. You definitely need to keep me updated on your job search, though!
    Where did you work again? Since you deleted your fb, I have exactly zero memory of what you did.>:[ I do remember that you certainly were nice to the ladies you worked with, due to all the comments they left on your profile ohohohoho
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