Professor Palutena

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  • after creeping on your/Jame's profiles a bit, I've just want to say that getting a job SUCKS if you hate where you're working, even if it's part time or just for the summer. Limited options or not, try to make a good decision. ;] I was lucky enough to be hired by my dad to the carpentry company where he works, so it wasn't very bad for me, although the work isn't easy, to say the least. Just wanted to wish you luck, I suppose.
    Bippa, are you in the drifting phase right now or do you know what kind of job you want?
    Bippa, I was waiting to respond until things boiled over, but my problems are with my siblings, not my girlfriend.

    Wal-mart? I have worked at Wal-mart before. Get a real job like a waiter. >:0
    I'm browsing around the old and new FE playthroughs, and I must say I'm intrigued about how the game is played and how the plot progresses. The narrator is brilliant as well; he even does the girl voice-overs! And yeah, it seems that every random YouTube channel I happen upon nowadays has a random MMZ4 playthrough, lol.
    ...this guy also played Megaman X4, my favorite of the series.

    I remember you mentioning one in the E3 thread, it sounds pretty cool. Does it follow the main series, or is it doing something totally different for the US/Canadian release?
    Sounds like a plan. If not, there's always YouTube playthroughs. Any versions heading to the States/Canada anytime soon?
    sorry I didn't reply earlier, I have just discovered the wonder of internet emulators

    Fire Emblem just might get into the list... ;3
    trying to find employment while also trying to fix relationship issues

    and anime/manga. lots and lots of that.
    I've never played Fire Emblem, so I'm not even sure if that makes sense haha
    now this is awkward because we have nothing to talk about ;-;

    How have you been since we last talked (as in forever ago)?
    Haha, you would be correct! I think the Pokemon series as a whole would be a tad more interesting if you could play as autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. A man can dream.
    Yeah, Skype certainly isn't the same without you. :[ Don't worry, it's just a tad boring nowadays, since most people were expecting a huge influx of activity for the summer. Meanwhile, I'm prepping for college, so I just come on PokeBeach mostly to chat and battle every now and again. But we do all miss you and your beautiful silence on Skype. :3
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