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  • Rally,

    Mhm, although I dont really keep up with it. I only have the starters and the HM slave done on my DA. xD I may do more when I feel motivated again.
    Well I'm on almost every day but we just have different schedules BUT I am off of work Sunday so we'll def get some games in then if you're available.
    That's fine. My chapters aren't meant for a quick read anyways. Actually, they're meant for leasurely or paced reading.
    I updated Biohazard if you want to read it, but I feel like I hashed the ending...
    Suitcune, Yeah mine was for the whole school, seniors had first pick, and similarly, it was usually just whoever could sign up for the cool stuff first. Like people would sign up for the chef just because you got food.
    Yes I had to wear a uniform for 6 years haha. The uniform itself sucked, plus it was expensive, but it eliminated the pressure to wear something different everyday and nobody was ever teased for what they were wearing since everyone wore the same thing, lol.
    And yes we had band/choir. Photography was combined with the art class, so it wasn't like a full fledged course.
    A school that lets you explore all of that is very valuable! You're lucky. The most career exploring we had was on 'Career Days' and even those were very limited.
    Yes that's what I mean by standard...PE, history/government/economics, math, english, Art, sciences. It was a private school so we didn't have all the cool, more abstract classes.
    What do you mean get the students out of there? lol

    You're lucky, my school never offered cool classes like that, we just had the standard stuff.
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