Reggie McGigas
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  • I can work with that, awesome. :3 Which gym are you going to be? When I write it up, which Pokémon should I have you using?
    Thanks! I hit that five years ago in Austria (16). :p (Except that I lived in Finland back then and there it is 18.)
    I'm a terrible person to coordinate with because I'm stubborn and move at my own pace and I don't work well with others. :p SF originally wanted more coordination between our runs too, but we ended up settling for just comparing every once and a while and having battles occasionally. I'd be happy to maybe meet up with you and have a battle or two (and I'd love to write those battles up as omake chapters in my playthrough :D), but any more coordinating than that is more than I'd want to commit myself to.
    Reggie McGigas, I can do the Shiny Regigigas, but not now, I'll se what I can take from your thread.
    Did you still have interest in the shiny Charizard? Planning on revamping my thread but so far pretty much everyone cancelled on trades. Doesn't affect me either way but before I move on, I'd like to know if you still wanted it?
    There have been too many arguments in that thread. You don't need to fight and start arguments to compete for something at all. Actions have consequences. In this case the game will be on hold for three days.
    Reggie McGigas, I have all of that (Whatever U want for Shiny Virizion), but I didn`t had the change to clone them yet. But, when I give you 1, can you clone it than, and that I get it back?
    Reggie McGigas, Wich you have clone? Yesterday I got a Shiny Golurk from GTS..Any others availbare?
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