Keeper of Night Jan 23, 2014 Pfft, you won already? Nuzlockes take me... uh... months. Grind grind grind.
Keeper of Night Jan 23, 2014 Reggie = here here = pokebeach pokebeach = place place = going going = leaving leaving = Reggie But since you're not, you can go finish your nuzlocke.
Reggie = here here = pokebeach pokebeach = place place = going going = leaving leaving = Reggie But since you're not, you can go finish your nuzlocke.
Haunted Water Jan 13, 2014
WanderingWolf Jan 9, 2014 Was your 'birthday' supposed to be the day you left Pokebeach, and when you came back, you're going to look at your age and realise how long you've been gone for?
Was your 'birthday' supposed to be the day you left Pokebeach, and when you came back, you're going to look at your age and realise how long you've been gone for?
Reggie McGigas Jan 9, 2014 I have decided that I will be taking a break from Pokebeach for a long time.
Scorched Feathers Jan 8, 2014 Reggie McGigas, Truce But SPECIAL CONDITION!!: Whenever a Player hurts Fletchling, hurt that Player's healed Pokémon.
Reggie McGigas, Truce But SPECIAL CONDITION!!: Whenever a Player hurts Fletchling, hurt that Player's healed Pokémon.