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  • RogueChomp, Yeah, but thats way out of my price range... I've heard Tornado EPO is great for early damage, and can help set up Ho Oh...

    I've been playing with regular Tornado for a while, and he's really good if you have enough energies in your hand to keep him pumping.
    RogueChomp, lol... I guess if you can get it to work well, you could have a good matchup... I mean adding in Terrakion solves just about all those problems (cept Empoleon)

    I'm still debating on 1 Tornadus EX and 2 Tornadus EPO or 2 Tornadus EX and 1 Tornadus EPO
    RogueChomp, Yeah i guess so...

    Never ever that of that... I'm probably gonna Test Ho Oh Tornadus and try to build it before BR's (in 2 weeks)
    RogueChomp, I like Rayeels, but I've been testing, and it seems to quickly lose anything that's faster than it :(

    Darkrai Garbo sounds redundant... Dakrai's ability is probably the best thing he has (not gonna lie that attack is pretty great too) but without it... He just plain sucks.
    RogueChomp, My little brother has 15, he could have 30 if he went to the first one >_>
    Mine were like
    #1 R1 no supporters, R2 Nub, R3 Barely win-4th
    #2 R1 Win, R2 Prize 3 Rare candy, R3 win, R4 Prize all junipers

    and then my little junior nub brother goes to a BR and he automatically wins..
    RogueChomp, Umm in Utah... Our meta is rogue :p

    the main Meta decks I've been seeing is Eels, and Darkrai Boxes...

    I like Garbo Terrakion, but I'm really just not finding fun decks BW on :l
    RogueChomp, *eats*

    So... now that this wierd convo has started... For fall Br's should I play Mewtwo/Darkrai/Terrakion or Empo Terra, or Garbo Terra?
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