RogueChomp, i missed my invite 2 years in a row ny about 20 places, 1 of them also by 2 wins... just cus i grinded in means im not a worlds competitor? i work my behind off every year. i missed cut TWICE at states last year. cutting both would of put me in. and i never said non worlds competitors arent good, im just saying they dont have nearly the experience in different types of situations. most people have different playstyles. me and jeremy are like the same caliber players, go ahead and say im not like every1 likes to, but we have completely different playstyles. most people dont think ahead. they just focus on what going on at the time. im always at least 2 turns ahead. so it all matters on experience. you test with school friends. i test with worlds players. sure you test with 2 and play a few games with my mentors, but little to nothing rubs off on you. i have so many playstyles and strategies in 1, when most people really have nothing. im not saying im a god, but in seniors, i have people telling me that. no matter how bad they are. i also have worlds competitor seniors scared of me. im not trying to brag, but you asked for it.