Shining Goodra
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  • Shining Goodra, Yeah, sorry occupied with research on what Torterra set I want to build... I'm thinking Rock Polish + 3 Attacks
    Shining Goodra, oh sorry! I must of forgotten to press send!:( like i said before i will be able to trade after 5pm EST today
    Shining Goodra, I'll be available anytime except for from... let's see, I'm on mountain standard time, going out at 2:00 which is... I think 5:00 your time to about 8:00-ish?
    Shining Goodra, I'll be available anytime except for from... let's see, I'm on mountain standard time, going out at 2:00 which is... I think 5:00 your time to about 8:00-ish?
    Shining Goodra, sory!!! I thought i had responded to you early in the week and was waiting for you to respond and then i have been busy for the rest of this week! Again i am sorry about my inactivity of late and can trade sunday(5/18) after 5pm EST
    Shining Goodra, soothbags in Super training, walking with it in the front of your party, massage in cyllage city. Here is a link to a bulbapedia article
    Shining Goodra, Is it ok if the Gabite is a Gible?(Its the first stage Evo) also is it ok if the pikachu is a Pichu? im having trouble with teeter dance so the pokemon will be ready tomorrow.
    Shining Goodra, ok sounds good! I will have to breed them all and i will contact you when all of them are in!:)
    Shining Goodra, Can you trade now for the joltik? Also what do you think about the Zapdos? I will breed you 6 pokemon
    Shining Goodra, i can breed you between 3-4 depending if you want egg moves and what pokemon you want
    Sorry i was watching the NFL draft! And Compound eyes please!
    Also i depends on what you want. So give me an idea on what yiu want me to breed you
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