Shining Goodra
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  • Shining Goodra, Well, despite 10 DAYS (?!?!?!?) of near-constant hunting I still don't have my shiny Feebas. So I'll postpone the hunt to breed your two Pokémon, shouldn't take too long.
    I don't speak code language! :p But it sounds nice! :D We should battle a bit again soon!
    Going pretty good. I'm there now actually; I'm on a break. How's your VGC team coming along? I'm planning to someday get a VGC team and have more practice in it, since I don't like smogon. :p
    Shining Goodra, Oh, sorry about the miscommunication. I meant that I had all the pieces to get the Pokémon (the Pokémon with their HA's, two Pokémon in the same egg groups with a Sassy nature, and the 0 IV Pokémon I need) it's just a matter of combining them and a bit of time to get your order ready.
    Shining Goodra, Oh, sorry about the miscommunication. I meant that I had all the pieces to get the Pokémon (the Pokémon with their HA's, two Pokémon in the same egg groups with a Sassy nature, and the 0 IV Pokémon I need) it's just a matter of combining them and a bit of time to get your order ready.
    Shining Goodra, How does Friday sound? If I don't have a shiny Feebas by Thursday, I'll postpone the hunt to breed your Pokémon.
    Shining Goodra, A perfect Foongus and Gothorita optimized for a trick room team (Sassy and 0 Speed IV's) and an Infiltrator Zubat on the house.
    Shining Goodra, I have all of the Pokémon ready for your order. I just have to finish my shiny hunt and I'll be free to begin, unless you need these by a specific date and time.
    Shining Goodra,

    Any thing more than 64 players would take too long. That is how many I have accounted for in the schedule.
    Shining Goodra, I've got some stuff going on in school this week, but my break starts next week. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about our trade!
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