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  • The Yoshi, Haha, in all honesty, if you wanted to Netdeck, I'd be pretty happy that my deck is even worth netdecking, lol :p

    Do you want my trainer lock list or a speed chandelure list?
    BTW, if anyone is thinking of playing VVV, forget it. I flipped 14 tails in a row with Double Freeze, and 37 tails total with everything.

    Lol. Ya VVV isn't great.
    Just posting in to let you know that I posted my fanfic. There's no rush to go read it though; I'm posting each new chapter on Sunday.
    The Yoshi, I was just about to ask you. I'm finishing the rest of my xmas shopping tomorrow. I plan to be back home around 5:00 pm est. Thanks. :)
    The Yoshi, Unfortunately I don't know of anything free like that. I tend to just stick to what I have, so I haven't looked for other programs.

    The tablet is really only used to make the coloring process easier. Instead of holding a mouse you're holding a pen, so it's a much more natural feel. You can certainly do it without a tablet, but it'll be more difficult.
    Please play your games with your opponent in my PlayTCG tournament. Thank You. (PS, The deadline is tomorrow!)
    The Yoshi, I've never used GIMP, but I think it's capable of the same things Jasc is.

    A Wacom Tablet is a type of pen / mouse that you can use for the computer. (Googling it would be best to see what I mean.) There are many types of tablets for purchase online, whether it be on eBay or the sites of the tablet companies.
    You in your fic's thread said:
    Man, this is really unpopular. The comments = not coming anymore.

    Things slow down a lot from time-to-time in the Writer's Corner, but don't think it's just because people don't like your fic anymore. It just happens.
    Yeah I love Yoshi I use him in Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7 ALL THE TIME!!! :)
    The Yoshi, VVV is a solid play, I have a friend playing it right now, just watch out for Unown Cure techs, carrying Ditto can help. I'm not sure what to play right now, everything is countered by something :/ I'm looking into ZPST, but I don't have the cards for it.
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