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  • The Yoshi, how about now? I'm on the PokeBeach server on Pokemon Online : )
    lol. And I know it's not going to stop, sadly. But my school doesn't have a guidance consuler.
    The Yoshi, Ah, everything is going pretty good I guess, having difficulties figuring out what I want to play for cities, but other than that life is good. How have you been? I've been enjoying your articles BTW.
    Thanks. And yeah the tell-everyone-what-she-does-to-make-it-better-but-worse kind of best friend.
    The Yoshi, never used PlayTCG in my life, and I don't intend to start using it ever
    The Yoshi, Sorry, I have a project I have to do, so I cant play today :(

    I'll be free on Tuesday and then the rest of the week following.
    Here: I'm waiting on Futachi to finish scoring. Everyone moves on. Rules released tomorrow.
    No, I'm not lying. I already have enough attention. Andd drama isn't me.

    But I get bullied for liking Pokemon, not saying words that I think are inoproprite, My Little Pony, being weird, crazy, Kung Fu Panda, and more. And my BFF tries to help but makes it worse...
    The Yoshi, You'll unlock your next part at 1200 coins. Once you reach 1000 coins, the increment goes up to 200. And once you reach 2000, then they go up to 500 intervals until 5000 coins. Afterwards, the only remaining parts are unlocked at 10,000 and 20,000 coins.

    Well, the Soda Jet is the best kart, with the Bumble V, Zucchini and Bruiser close behind. For tires, Sponge, Wooden, Slim and Mushroom are the best, and any non default glider is the best.
    Kudos for that. I was bored, lets get more posts... -_- >random pokemon trivia<
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