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  • Yoshidude10, Lol I guess that's true but I think part of my success this season has come from playing Pokemon every weekend in preparation for Battle Roads. Now sure BRs don't mean that much but I'm sure all of this testing will help me when Regionals rolls around. (3 weeks! o.0)

    Oh okay, you're just going to be dedicating less time to the game?
    Yoshidude10, Okie dokie. Well if you don't really like it much anymore I wouldn't want to force you to play. Plus you haven't even really gotten to a chance play in this format so winning could be an issue if you know what I mean. =P Have you thought about Regionals at all? :O
    Yoshidude10, Yes, yes I do... Forgot to ask if you were going to be going to Somervile THIS week. Zangoose won't be, he's blowing it off to go to Londonderry... >:/
    No, just make your quotes shorter (i.e. quote a smaller part and then make an explanation). Again, it's just so there's a little less to have to read through, and you don't have to cover every single detail either if you can make at least a few major (and, oftentimes, similar) points.
    Yoshidude10, Life's okay, difficult to keep myself entertained sometimes but I get through the days. Yeah I know, that's pretty impressive, not a single one... Haha really? Did I even ask you if you were going to Milford? I don't think I did. That's how bad it's getting, I don't even ask... =P You going to any leagues though? :O
    Yo! In the future do you think you could spread out your quotes for edits during reviews? It's a little annoying for most people to read through the sheer bulk of a chapter again just to find specific points you were making. Technically, it's against the WC rules, but that one really applies more to guys who quote the entire chapter just to say "good job."
    I'm here to say that you're in my story I wrote!
    So if you want, read it.
    Sorry about that. It just happens sometimes when I'm posting via phone (and it's super embarassing too! *blushes). Anyways, I didn't want some fight starting between you guys so I just wanted to clarify stuff.

    Also, eek! I still can't stop looking at that adorable avvy! I swear, someday it will be mine! In the meantime, I've got hilariously awesome Inflated Pokemon avvys to use!
    Most times people try to keep up with critiquing straight from the beginning, but good point. Just ask him to hold off on any full-scale nitpicking and just ask him to keep his comments about what he likes or doesn't like about the story so far.
    Most times people try to keep up with critiquing straight from the beginning, but good point. Just ask him to hold off on any full-scale nitpicking and just ask him to keep his comments about what he likes or doesn't like about the story so far.
    Really I just told MrGatr was that if he wants to help me out, he can start giving out critiques and advice. I didn't say specifically to whom... In any case, he's not harsh but has been stepping up his game a bit especially the past few days.
    BTW Apollo hired me Apollo wanted me to give you a critic, to help him get his stuff done, I will have it done chapter by chapter, probably today, if not I will for sure get one for ya tomorrow!
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