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  • lol.thats good that ur responsible.im actually really too lazy to be organized.its not my tpe of thing
    Ok good.

    I didn't want a "MrGatr thing" all over again. I bet hatman is ticked off though.
    What do you mean? Bippa said I could help, just not post.

    glaceon, omfg you do not know how awesome you are right now. I was having this big discussion on Skype on who could it be, and you just helped a lot. I won't post your reasons exactly, but I'll vote for hatman.

    I though I was helping. Guess not.
    Yoshidude10, Working on the last chapter now. Sorry it's took so long.
    Yay! You got a new chapter up! :)

    Sorry, I was actually starting to catch up to the current ones when I thought I'd ask if you were going to get a new chapter up soon, so I could keep going. Not sure if I'll get around to actually critiquing it, but I think you're doing a good enough job with the story nonetheless.
    You deserve a MVP award in the Challenge for doing the most work. Too bad I cant post there though.
    PM received; I'll try to get to it asap. I can't reply right now as the library closes in 5 minutes, but just know I got the PM.
    It's not an "OMG, gimme ur avy!" deal I'm proposing, but I would like it if you're be willing to switch sometime. Or, if you at some point just stop using it, let me know right away or drop a line to Zy telling him I was sort of wanting it. In either case, it's not a big deal! I just love cutesy Eevees like anyone and would like to nab the avy you're using when you're done with it before someone would since I know a lot of people had their hearts set on it (and that's just from skimming Zy's profile full of requests).
    I was just teasing. Like I said, no pressure.

    Also, ick, I just can't stop staring at your Eevee avvy! You should change your user title to match fit it better, like I normally do with my avatars. Something on the lines of "Most adorable Eevee Zy's found yet!" or something. Seriously, that rendition of Eevee is A-DOR-A-BLE! Sorry, I'm really just jealous about not having it myself. Care to switch? If not, it's fine. I'm not going to badger you over it continuously beyond this.
    Still waiting on that update, lol! Just teasing. :)

    Get it up whenever you want. Nobody ever gets in a rush when updating fics around here, and I usually procrastinate getting new stuff up myself even when I state publically that I'll have something ready at a specific time. Don't feel pressured.
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