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  • lol.but u have to make sure the party is awesome too.why dont u use the extra money to donate to charity
    It's like they tell the principal:
    "What is the problem?"
    "Well the universe told us all to fall, and these two kids didn't. And so they pushed me down and then pushed down again because of the Universe."
    *calls secretary over*
    "Call the medical center and put this kid in a psycho room."
    oh.lol.of course candy is a must.it is halloween.the only time during the year u can eat as much candy as u want without people judging u.lol.is that all u bought?did u buy decorations?
    lol.candy really?how much did u buy?why didnt u buy punch its healthier?soda is pretty expensiive when u buy a lot of it.did u go to sams clubs,costco,or somewhere else?
    lol.good job on the progress report grades.ur in the 8th grade right?lol.what did u spend on urself?
    And then we can help them up and push them back down:
    "Here, let me help."
    "Why thank you."
    "Oh sorry, didn't see you there."
    Yeah and people look at us and are like:
    "We fell before."
    "*faceplam* Oooohhh."
    We probably already fell. lol. People be like:
    "Why universe why?"
    And the universe:
    "Never listen to me. Duh."
    "*faceplam* Ooooohhhh."
    lol yeah, It'd be like this:
    "This is the universe commanding you all to fall right now. Even if you're rock climbing it's time to fall. If you die at least you fell. If you're diving under water fall into something."
    And the whole universe falls, even people in wars, and it's like half of the universe's population dies.
    "Thank for falling have a nice day."
    And people are in pain.
    "OH MY LEG!"
    I can just imagine.
    My best friend speaks the truth:
    "Girl you fall every field trip no matter where! If you don't it's not normal, but that has never happened!"
    It's true. Even when I'm tired or awake or anything I fall. :p
    Thanks~ I'm always clumsy so falling is a usual. :3 And I always seem to hurt myself, yet never broken a bone in my body.
    Wow, that's a lot to do. I have a Halloween Party on the 28th. Normally it's on Halloween but we need to have it on a Friday. Well today I was extra clumsy. I fell on one of the bus' steps. Ouch. I have a painful bruise and every period I banged my knee. I might make a story, my dad says I'm a fantastic writer.
    Okay, then. I'll expect it. My main idea was just that it's one of the most popular stories posted in recent history, so it seemed weird that it hadn't been updated in a little while.
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