D D DNA Apr 17, 2012 [16:04] <Eevee> http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/402985_205342189554671_205332729555617_429007_1828123733_n.jpg
[16:04] <Eevee> http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/402985_205342189554671_205332729555617_429007_1828123733_n.jpg
D D DNA Mar 23, 2012 Can you give me a copy of the rules of the next round you've drafted? I should be able to tweak them and get it up by Monday.
Can you give me a copy of the rules of the next round you've drafted? I should be able to tweak them and get it up by Monday.
D D DNA Mar 4, 2012 in regards to Pokesunrise. You set my access level at 5 so I can't do anything. By the way, the nickname "Rayne" is now registered.
in regards to Pokesunrise. You set my access level at 5 so I can't do anything. By the way, the nickname "Rayne" is now registered.
D D DNA Mar 4, 2012 if I'm level 5 on an access list, I can barely do anything for you. change my level to 190 or something
if I'm level 5 on an access list, I can barely do anything for you. change my level to 190 or something