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  • We're each other's Number One stalkers then, lol! :>
    Actually, I'll probably get back to you a little later. Still, PM me anyways.
    I'm well. (Yeah, we should talk over PM, though)
    I know! Isn't it hilarious?! =3

    Anyways, how are you doing lately?
    Unique Username, I wish you luck with school. And trades haha. With a collection your size, I'm sure you have been in your fair share of frustrating trade situations.

    I'm great. A bit bogged down on my classes (I missed a week of classes) but I am still very good. Thanks for asking!
    Unique Username, sounds exciting! Good luck!

    Nothing's new with me, though. Just recovering from the past week/weekend haha
    Hi, another question regarding Japanese cards. How much is [Pokemon Japanese Promo] Battle City Mint? The artwork ir really neat :)
    Unique Username, I love my usertitle just for the responses it generates.
    Apollo and Meaty loved it to pieces, Zy said it wasn't his thing, and judging by your response you sound like you like it too.

    Truth be told it was something I thought up one day, like something a failing English student would say.
    *Squeezes back, and starts to turn UU into a pooltoy* Tehehehe! (...or would that be bad roleplaying?)
    Unique, if yew think that sounded wrong, yew clearly haven't read the rest of the rock convo x)
    Unique Username, Oh awesome. It's so cuuuute! ^.^ I think it qualifies as a "foreign cat". =P Lol an audio blast? I guess it's the opposite of that video. The kitty had a soft little "meep" type sound. :3
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