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  • Shadow Arceus (now Cinesra) were talking about the username changes and what terrible choices people have been making.

    He said your username is a testament to your genius.
    Also, he told me the joke behind your current away message and I started cracking up :D
    Unique Username, d'awwww, thank you. I was really nervous about changing my Username after I've had the same one for 4 years. It's nice to know someone likes it. ^_^
    Unique Username, I failed! D: I guess when I thought you were online you were actually inactive. :[
    Unique Username, Oh mayn! Winky faces usually imply something! o_O But okay, I'll just chat with you whenever.
    Unique Username, this one would probably be the best one to use as a base. I looked through YGO Wiki's gallery, and they only had 3 pictures. One was too small, and the other was of poor image quality.
    So if you're so inclined...go for it!
    Sorry I ignored you on chat... ;~;

    *Afro-G goes in to a corner to think about his actions*...
    Unique Username, Oh wow, I missed the part where it said "each". >.< Even though I don't know the value of the set I had a gut feeling that that deal might have been too good to be true for the whole set lol.
    Unique Username, Of course I do. I was kind of expecting you to ask, haha. *link* I know some of the stuff is pretty rare because one of the things the person is selling is like a set of 10 cards for around $200. o.o

    Oh really? That's too bad... :[ Well I'm glad you took a break and focused on getting better. I'm sure you'll be back to full health in no time. ^.^
    Just watched a Youtube video with a guy selling loads of cards including some Japanese promos, made me think of you. :I Feels like we haven't talked in a while...
    Unique Username, Haha hopefully :p to be honest that was more of a prologue, like introducing the antagonist before the protagonist is revealed. :O I wonder how people are gonna interpret it...
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