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  • I went over it with the other guys.

    They said yes - you can be Lady Parentheses.

    We have 5 members now :D

    Not sure if I showed you this version before, but I decided to take some time out one day and sketch the heads of the Zomborg series in one picture. I'm working on doing digitally colored versions of these at the moment, but haven't made a lot of headway yet... I also updated my Non-Fakedex art thread with this and several other pictures if you want to peek at it for a bit.
    Speaking of Zombroken, that's one of the sketches I'm redoing as digital art (or at least one version of him). Sorry to hear you had issues with Destail's picture, but I guess some things can't be helped when it comes to material problems.
    Quite well. Good to hear you're finding work. I've been off all week so far and it doesn't look like I'll have anything getting scheduled until next week.

    Otherwise, I've been making serious headway on my fanworks and suddenly restarted revisions on Feral Twilight for the umpteenth time; hopefully I'll have an actual new chapter up soon. Also, I've started work on some re-renderings of older sketches I've done. I may have those posted in my art thread sometime soon as well.
    Unique Username, Okay, then I am not the only one. I'm the same way. xD

    I try to do them, but I sort of can't draw on command, however, if you find me inspired (extremely rare like finding a shiny feebas) and ask me then, I might draw something.
    Unique Username, Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. ;-; *hugs* I hope that you can find a job soon, don't give up. Have you tried commissions?

    lmao. I hope you don't cry when your ketchup disappears.
    Unique Username, IT COST TOO MUCH MONEY! xD The stuff I collect already cost too much monies. I HAS NO JOB.

    Unique Username, I don't blame you. lol.

    I enjoy looking at both of y'all's collections. :> I could never stick to cards, there are just too many.
    Unique Username, Poke war? >:l No.

    Your collection is beautiful, that must mean you are too. ;-; You remind me of a mini version of Viper Fox. xD
    Unique Username, No, no you are awesome *pokes*

    Unique Username, I'll have to talk it over with the other two people in the Grammareich, but if they don't object I don't see why not.
    Unique Username, Haha, good one. =P I'm too bored to post non-spam on profiles right now... D:
    Half of your friends are on the staff and another 3 are ex-staff.

    *Afro-G likes to point out random facts*
    Unique Username, squee~ <3
    I'd ask that you log on to chat, but 1) it's acting up right now and 2) I have to leave in about 10 minutes
    I'll be on tomorrow most likely though, so you can tell me then if you wish
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