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  • Unique Username, I wasn't aware of the context of what Zyflair said, but I saw him bring it up and thought you might like to know.
    [15:53] <Zyflair|Ficcing> And it makes me rage that people request art from Unique Username and then tell her the result work sucks because it wasn't what they envisioned. >_>
    [15:54] <Swablu> lol
    [15:54] <Swablu> that's stupid
    [15:54] <%Fluttershy> reminds me of a pony episode :3
    [15:54] <%Fluttershy> anyway yeah that is stupid

    day = brightened?
    Awesome. Destail was probably my most complex design, where as Zombroken was one of my simpler ones (in general comparison to Destail, anyhow).
    Before I forget...how's Destail coming along? I'm working on a new version of Zomborg's Head (if you want a sneak peek)
    HA! I know you'd like that one. I couldn't stop laughing at it when I discovered it last weekend while my dad and I were out hunting for a tree for this Christmas. I had him take a picture and send it to my sister and mom, but they didn't get the joke until after we explained it.

    Hiya! (Check out this pic, you may get a couple laughs from it.)
    Unique Username, *jumps back*

    Oh! It's only you. *pants*... I thought you were...never mind.

    Well, you asked for it, sooo... *pokes back*

    Unique Username, wow wait...

    La tour Eiffel is soo google translate...
    It's really La Tour D'Eiffel
    Unique Username, PMJ asked me to look a couple nights ago for good winter Sawsbuck art. I actually really liked that one and almost thought about using it for myself, but I figured you deserved it more, since it would be more your style.
    Go with the winter Sawsbuck DNA linked! That one's cool!
    Unique Username, WHEE GRAMMAR PARTY
    speaking of fun stuff, did you see the Winter Sawsbuck picture I linked to you in your profile comments? Or are you going to use the Winter avatar you usually use?
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