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  • AoH, I tried, the only way I could do it was if I could just stat stack on my Gardevoir and Stored Power the shit out of everything.
    AoH, I'm about casual competitive.

    And I only do triple battles.

    I use my favourites. But I usually try to get good IVs and natures. And create movesets that complement each other.

    Like if I have a pokemon with Swift Swim, I'll teach it Rain Dance, and surf, aqua ring, and some other stab move. Then I have a Pokemon that know Thunder next to it that counters the type disadvantage. Then I have a Pokemon with Hurricane on the last spot.
    AoH, What can I say, they are my favourite, ever since I leveled my first ever shiny as one to 100..

    Heck, her IVs suck and has a bad nature, but I still use her in my White 2
    AoH, Ya know, I am thinking Gardevoir, then Gallade, then Kirlia and Ralts arre tied for third.
    AoH, Well, if you think about it, yes, yes we all were.

    So, what is your favourite Pokemon?
    AoH, Why thank you, you just brought me one step closer to getting a 3DS.

    I bow to you.

    AoH, Thank you, it took awhile to find.

    And does the next hello cost $1. Anything more and I can't afford it.
    AoH, mm, I see. I actually prefer the not-so-obvious potentially-inside jokes, just because they aren't obvious. But I'm just strange and I know it.
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