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  • AoH, same. I had to teach myself EV training, thanks to Serebii, I learned quickly! :) but man, it's a total game changer. 30 points a stat can be a huge difference I learned.
    Sees the Sandstorm Newbs question on EV's...


    Haha yet we all were there at one point in life! :)
    AoH! I made a team in RMT, I'd love you to give it a review when it gets confirmed, would you mind doing that for a bro? :)
    AoH, Im not sure, since I have seen other trashbytes than 0000 on nicknamed pokemon.
    AoH, Renamed or not, they cant really tell whose it is like i said. I will probably only use my legit pokemon in the tourney anyways just because my Pokecheck mons are just random stuff I felt like getting.

    like scarf garbodor.

    also, ive seen a few people with Cress named "/me" which means its probaby from /mecresselia.
    Also, if both had the same poke, they'd probably both get kicked out. say I was using Mantykes Hitmontop and so was he(the same one) then thyd see somethings up.
    AoH, Yeah, I can't imagine anything like that happening. I think Nicknames are removed now anyways :(
    AoH, I don't know. Where would the OT see it anyways? There are only 2 visible indicators as to what a pokemon looks like, gender differences and shininess. you cant tell who the OT is like that. Like if I put up a Mewtwo on Pokecheck with HP Fire, it would be dumb to assume that every Mewtwo with HP Fire is one of mine(not that anyone would use HP Fire on mewtwo.)
    AoHwhy would that happen? First of all, they'd have to use the same Pokemon as me as well, nothing but the Battle Box is checked. I don't use anything RNG'd by TheMantyke(Hardly any Pokecheck mons I use anyways) Because he plays Southeast.
    Well, usually if I change nicknames it is from a .pkm file off pokecheck or something I got off the real gts(usually shinies or already bred pokemon) that i change names. It is also transferred Pokemon. the OT won't know.
    I just started coloring a pic I drew of Seraph's knife, and then decided to add her paw clutching the hilt and later her eyes staring at you from the black background. Afterwards, I added Doxisite's eyes glaring down at her like he was sneaking up behind her. Lastly, I added the title to the full pic and then cropped part of the image for a banner. It wasn't anything fancy, though.
    I made it using cover art I created for the latest draft of Biohazard.
    Zyflair, DNA, and Dark-Giratina helped proofread them, but I did most of the actual rewrites. DG also added the critics' list. I just needed a final okay from Shining Raikou before updating them, otherwise I would have posted them sooner.
    Oh, thanks for the compliment. I thought they were too strict the last time I updated them, though. This one should straighten them out. They were just posted, btw.
    Things are mostly just rewritten and skimmed down, but I also laid out exact punishments for rule breakers instead of winging it like I was.
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