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  • P0KEVORTEX, Thanks! Yeah, Nagini scared the heck out of me in the Bathilda Bagshot scene in Part 1 (great adaptation from the book though I thought), so in Part 2 every time she was in the frame I tried to look down at my popcorn, haha :D.
    Actually, my brother deleted it. He went online for me one day and deleted it. But don't worry, it'll be back...soon....
    P0KEVORTEX, R u mad dat all dah posts in SL555's RPG that didn't count are gone? D: I would be too >_>. I'm sorry for your loss...
    P0KEVORTEX, Ah, ok, that's sad. I signed up for the other one because I signed up for the first one.
    P0KEVORTEX, I know, it's my dumb computer's fault, it keeps shutting down on me. And, I've been pretty active, I'm not a stick, but not totally overweight, I just need some time to figure out where I am.
    P0KEVORTEX, Thats good, and to be honest who cares if your a late teen and you like pokemon? If you like pokemon then who cares its not up to them to judge you by what you like cause its somthing you enjoy watching or playing or whatever! well thats just what I think...
    Zade, Sure, I'll give it a look! And yes, I mean December: the plan is that in some time zones, it'll be Halloween, and the first day of winter in others. Thus, creating a spooky atmosphere perfect to start an RPG in. Plus, I don't know how much longer I'll be on here, so I'll get my RPG done quickly.
    P0KEVORTEX, Haha! Can you check out my noval? And by winter do you mean december? lol sorry I'm horrible with my seasons!
    P0KEVORTEX, Already checked him out 2 days ago (I think...) Oh! Whats you plan gonna be for your game? Can you save a spot for me lol?
    P0KEVORTEX, Battle for Durardaggon! Thats what its called! Im a typhlosion! (Thats my fav pokemon) maybe you can join?
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