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  • Thanks :)
    I might edit my profile and put my new team on there. Funny cos I'm using Emboar again.
    P.S If you check out the title of my Quiz Thread there is something there you may be happy about
    P0KEVORTEX, Yeah, I will. ^_^

    I love winter. You should do something like ... uh ... Soul Eater, or...something.
    P0KEVORTEX, I think it.s a bit too late. You can still try to bring everyone up though.

    Or, I could help you with anything new you're working on.
    P0KEVORTEX, no... but now that I think about it...no, I'm not.

    Wait...who am I? What is my name? Don't come here ever again.
    P0KEVORTEX, quite.

    Alois is a bit messed up.
    Claus is a creeper.
    Ciel is an emo.
    Sebestian is ohmygoshohmygosh.

    Random things.

    I know you.

    And your pretty awesome

    So you get a goodbye!

    Dont get epic pulls and not post them on Youtube.

    I want to see them :3

    So yeah,



    :p I'm looking forward to my own return

    I'll be sure to drop by on your profile If i get internet on visiting day :D
    On your latest Youtube video, you were wondering whether the auience could see the "sticky thing" on your Reshiram promo. I just wanted to let you know
    P0KEVORTEX, I would choose Turtwig.

    It usually goes like this:
    Gen - Starter
    I - Charmander
    II - Cyndaquil
    III - Mudkip
    IV - Turtwig
    V - Snivy

    And yeah. It was about that. I didn't forget, but I wanted to see if it was obvious.
    Hey! What are ypu up to? Any drawings? Any games? Any adjk;lgkl;qzadp?

    There was something I wanted to ask you via PM. I forgeted.
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