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  • WanderingWolf, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    not really, no. you'd be better sticking with what you have now, than changing to that.
    WanderingWolf, Don't worry, I will always be Sir Taco, The Nacho Von Burrito at heart. :p
    WanderingWolf, I did, but after making it I was like: NO! And I wanted to change it but I had to have 250 posts and all that.
    WanderingWolf, Thanks god I have until next Thursday, so I will take my time
    WanderingWolf, haha, that's exactly what I did, except I was alone for it :p
    [mod]safariblade[/mod] had a nice server going for a few months that was up for a few hours at a time before he went off to college or something. [member]The Fire Wyrm[/member] and [member]Tsoliades[/member] also had servers, but they were kinda bleh and they went away pretty quickly. So nope, nothing presently. :(
    WanderingWolf, Ah shoot, I forgot about that. I changed it back because no one liked my new username, but I forgot that ##FLEX: FOUR ARMS was a thing. Don't worry, you can still ##FLEX me, it will just look really weird, and won't sound as cool.
    WanderingWolf, I don't really care. I can't really be hurt emotionally; no one I know is close enough to do that.
    WanderingWolf, it's a really old inside joke.

    Right when the name change thread started, people were changing their names to the stupidest things. Only 1 of those name changes (Cinesra), maybe 2, were actually good or positive. All the others were neutral or worse.

    Much later I got a name change as well and, though it seemed like a good idea at the time, I hated it after 3 months. (Everyone else hated it right away; I was just being silly.)

    Running joke is, because I changed my username to something stupid and realize the folly of my ways, I have the right to laugh at people for having stupid username changes.

    i mean lol
    "His Goominess"
    get real son

    and yes astra is a canadian man
    WanderingWolf, Yes. I had New Year. And a happy one to you too! Did you go to any partays?
    Hope you have a Fancy New Year!

    Oh! And I'll be watching you compete in The Challenge! Always wanted to observe you in a game like this. ^_^ I'll be fancily rooting for you on the sidelines.
    > The Fire Wyrm

    > TheFireWyrm (his Minecraft username doesn't have spaces, a bit of a copout I suppose ;)
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