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  • I will hurt reuniclus until it is between 350-400 before going to something else.. or atleast until another pokemon in the same range
    We don't discuss these issues with others than the members themselves for privacy reasons.
    My biggest concern is that Storytellers better live up to all the hype Joey has been giving it with all the premiere parties and tour he's doing.
    Ugh people sometimes I swear...anyways Quinn saying he was straight totally made me die of laughter!! Like who was he fooling XD I'm quite curious with how Storytellers will come out considering that Michael Gallagher has soo much directing experience, but the acting kinda worries me as I personally think that Joey isn't the best actor (and that he would give his character a girlfriend). But I have high hopes for these webseries :D (still waiting to see Smiley).
    Oh my god I loved Riley Rewind!! It gave me so many feels and I can't wait till the sequel :p (please excuse my fangirl overload)
    WanderingWolf, Keep it short and simple... Also I see what you did there:
    WanderingWolf = WW
    WW = Werewolf

    Or maybe you didn't mean to do that :p!
    You were warned on the hurt/heal fourm for trolling. Telling others to hurt a Pokemon for the sake of annoying someone is not allowed! I will not DQ you this time, but if it happens again....

    Stop stalking me. It makes it harder for me to stalk you. Now stop arguing! :p

    1 member likes this post: [smod]Drohn[/smod]
    WanderingWolf, if it happens again on my profile, I am reporting each and every one of you, relentlessly, until it ceases.
    WanderingWolf, just let it go through one ear and out of the other, or, of course, you could report them. Arguing with troll comments will get you nowhere, dear sir, and that is a fact. I know DNA's comments were not meant with malicious intent, but DNA has a weird sense of humor that can be seen as "trolling," I suppose.
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