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  • Hey. Just want to say that I like your posts in the thread on the forum changes! But I suppose that in the long run this would be beneficial to Pokebeach... while I agree with you that it won't change our image and refocus to a great extent, at least there'll be less spam. :)
    * Snivy drags Darkvoid57 home from all the cying. She puts him in bed and leaves for her house for the night as well, though she embraces the wind and runs home

    * Snivy a shovel and starts digging another grave ahead of time, for PokéBeach whhen it's gone

    Sad times never go away...
    * Snivy grabs shovel and starts digging a grave
    *sigh* Now I have absolutly nothing to do. ;_;
    All the fun times together and all of us getting to know one another more. When I joined I was n00b. But now, thanks to the Ban Game, and the people who posted in it, I'm a well known member. That's where respect comes from, but now we must live within the dark days. A challenge yes, especially without the Ban Game, but if we want to progress, we must try. Though it'll be hard and painfull, as well as emotional, we must continue. And maybe one day, it'll be unlocked and playable again. We will long forr that terrifiic day when darkness disappears and joy returns. We must be strong! And we must carry on, all for one and one for all!

    You know, when I saw the ban game get locked, I cried. ;_;
    I'm little emotinal.
    Well the end may be quicker then I thought. :/ With the ban game locked *weeps openly* theres not much I can do. ;_; And with the game corner being closed, and all of the other mentioned ones, I can't do a thing. So it may be good bye. D:
    See a lot of people have no idea why they should PM you. xD

    Well I wish you good luck with all that. ^_^
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