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  • Darkvoid57, :0
    If Zach's able to get on tonight, then you should definitely get her. ;D
    Darkvoid57, Oh okay, that doesn't sound quite as bad as I may have imagined it to be. =P Still sounds a little awkward though...
    I haven't posted here in a while....

    But uhhh, I had a question. What's up with people talking about your sister? o.o I heard something happened on Skype so like, I guess I'm curious...

    *Afro-G is afraid that the information is too *insert fitting word(s)* for profile comments*...

    Edit: And of course as I typed that up a profile comment, a comment was made on the same subject... >.>
    [10:23:34 PM] Beeps: I should change my avatar
    [10:24:07 PM] Jake: To what, though?
    [10:24:13 PM] Beeps: I dunno
    [10:24:18 PM] Jake: I just changed mine to good ol Clint Eastwood
    [10:24:21 PM] Beeps: DV57's SISTER!!
    [10:24:27 PM] Jake: x3
    [10:24:38 PM] Beeps: Maybe I can find her on Facebook
    [10:24:58 PM] Jake: lol, I don't think DV would be cool with that
    Darkvoid57, I know, I just heard today, it's gonna be so sweet. I hope I can play as Garrus :3

    I bought them from HeatRotomFTW1995 (or 1997)

    I bought a chandelure for $1.50... And bought the line before it for $1.25

    And the Thundurus was $3-4 on T&TDarkvoid57,
    Darkvoid57, I can get the JPN holo's for a $1.50, so I wanna keep em that way... But lemme know... And Thundurus is $3... Other than that, it seems fair!
    Darkvoid57, Interested in Alph Litho 4, FA Thundurus, COL Shiny Rayquaza, and Deoxys... Sandile, Oshawott, and the legendary JPN birds from Psycho Drive
    Darkvoid57, Thanks man! Hey, would you happen to have any other cards of interest I might like? Might be able to purchase more! :D
    Darkvoid57, kk. I'll do my best man! Just remember, I am but human... I make mistakes. We all do. My point is, I'll do my best to purchase on Friday, but please don't hold a grudge if I dont... :)
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