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  • You should think about him every day, Afro. I've noticed the forums being quieter without him.
    Let's do what DV would want on his profile while he's away...
    Spam Continue HL's topic.
    I saw the Maze Runner series in a store the other day and almost bought it. One thing that I saw as a drawback was that it had on it,
    "If you liked The Hunger Games, you'll love this."
    Who are they to say that and ride on another author's success?
    For your poetry, you should put "If you enjoyed Roald Dahl, you'll love this."
    It'd do the same thing. :p
    In all seriousness, is Maze Runner worth paying full whack for?
    Missing you and your Skypishness.
    You need to write poet in your 'Occupation' box and Skype in your interests. ;D
    He's at camp. Boot camp. No wait...he's at (regular, over-night, marshmallow-roasting, LOL, swimming(probably), akward moments, that guy who's really quiet but will probably open up later on) camp.
    Wait, what? Your leaving? For good? You better be coming back.

    Well, your an awesome guy and come back soon!!
    I'll let you know what I pull.

    Bye :(.

    (wait, is this just a vacation?)
    Dontcha worry. I've not got any TCG videos planned until late August, so you should be back to see them all.
    Darkvoid57, Hope you had fun :D Also, strangely enough, I played that same deck the rest of the day in 3 games and almost won all of them. I played hipoke in 2 games, won the first, but then the next I had to go, but I was in the lead for sure. I also beat sillykyle! in one. It's so great, especially with my unique build :p
    Darkvoid57, Don't worry, you'll have a wonderful time and the forums will be here when you get back. =D Don't miss them too much, okay. ;D

    The longer the goodbye the worse it is usually... :[
    Haha, thanks Darkvoid57.

    Its been really great getting to know you over the past few weeks. Your an awesome guy. :)

    Any time you want some help, I'll be happy too help. Of course, you just gotta ask first. I may be amazing, but I can't read minds.

    Have an awesome time at camp, and don't miss me okay.
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