Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

Mega Lucario will be having the new Fighting boosting item that works like Power Tablet but for Fighting Pokémon. It's gonna be hitting pretty hard at least.
Garde is an absolute behemoth that synergizes with the other Garde ex so ridiculously well. One-shots everything in the format while her regular ex version attaches unlimited amounts of energy to your mons to power up that attack. 360HP to top that off. Saying it's bad is... ambitious. Mandatory 1 or 2-of that will wreck havoc once you setup.

Lucario sucks though, unless he would have a nice synergy with something.
I don't see it.

Drifloon provides a crazy amount of damage for 1 prize card.

Mega Gardevoir is a three-prize stage-2 liability that Raging Bolt can consistently blow up for good prize trades. Especially with how slow Gardevoir is now.
Noo!!! not 3 prizers again!! These have been very unhealthy for the game. This is basically VMaxes all over again!

Though i will say, this is better than how they did Mega's in Gen 6 tcg where they made you end your turn and you had to use spirit link tool cards in every mega deck just to not end your turn.
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They somehow made these look worse then the originals. The japanese attack was a cool touch written out on the artwork and the artwork was just, better. Kinda let down ngl especially since its the weird lower case ex and apparently they just skip normal ex to go right to mega. Idk just something about it feels less special now. I've been collecting all the older ones because they're super awesome to have the EX AND the Mega EX and now its just, here have an ex. Idk we'll see what the rest look like I guess, if anyone can even get them at this point with dumb scalpers and crap
Everyone is talking about how these are VMax again but almost no one has mentioned that mega Basics will be tag teams again.

I am not very fond of this being a new precedent for the game, regardless of how these 2 cards turned out so far.
The way they implemented this mechanic leads me to believe that Mega Charizard X/Y, Mega Pidgeot, etc will have some degree of synergy with their current non-Mega ex cards. Let's see if Greninja and, *gulp*, DRAGAPULT get megas.
Yeah, I’d personally prefer if they did something similar to BREAK mons.
the issue w that is that theyd then be completely irrelevant on the sole basis of being stage 2 mons, or at the very least inconsistent as hell, greninja break was good but p damn messy in terms of consistency
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the issue w that is that theyd then be completely irrelevant on the sole basis of being stage 2 mons, or at the very least inconsistent as hell, greninja break was good but p damn messy in terms of consistency
I guess that is true, wouldn't want this new Mega evolution mechanic to be bad and inconsistent.